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Thread: Pacific Chorus Frog Build (Pic Heavy)

  1. #1
    100+ Post Member Bombina Bob's Avatar
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    Fraser valley BC
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    Post Pacific Chorus Frog Build (Pic Heavy)

    Hello FF, over the past few weeks ive been working for my first time on a 3D vivarium backround specially
    designed for my chorus frogs, Ive always wanted to put them into a living vivarium but i wanted to take it one step
    further This is my first build and this by no means is a tutorial, i have made some mistakes within the building of
    my vivarium and wish i could have recondidered other options for my Viv. But when i achieved the final product, i
    was very proud of my work no matter what

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    This is what i started out building my Vivarium
    with, Clear 100% silicon, Great stuff foam etc.

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    Great stuff & the brand of Silicon i used ( i made sure it was mold free)

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    This was after i had sprayed my Great stuff onto the background, i tried
    to create a divider with the foam (Hence the excess foam marks)

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    After spraying the foam i let it harden for a few hours outside (It was a
    windy day) and after i waited 24 hrs to carve out ledges and cliffs

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    This is after i had taken a razor blade and scraped the excess foam out

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    After waiting a few days thinking out the process of how i would cover the background i prepared
    myself with dry eco earth and the silicon (Clear) I do not recommend the clear silicon but i would have
    used black or brown if there were one at the home depot. The titebondIII glue method is what i will plan
    to use nextime.

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    After covering the background over several days (not knowing what surface was covered due
    to the clear silicon) i finally bought some cork, hydroton,plants and some specialty terrarium
    plants from my pet store i am ready to build!

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    I do not know the two plants on the top photo except the one on the left i think may be ficus pimula.
    The four plants on the bottom from left to right order are, English ivy, Jasmine,Golden Pothos, Arabian coffee plant.

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    In this photo ive already positioned the cork bark and hot glued it into place because
    my slilicon was thrown away by accident. I put a one inch layer of hydroton with a weed
    block mesh and covered that with cocoa fiber in a thin layer so i can see where i wanted
    to position my plants.

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    TaDa! the final product is in hand! Ive piled the eco earth to the back of the terrarium to cover the clear spaces at the bottom and after planting my plants used pillow moss and magnolia leaves for substrate litter. The water section is under one inch of water with a gravel substrate and a few rocks for the frogs to rest on after calling or swimming. I do have intentions of the Ficus pimula looking plant to possibly crawl up the background but it may have a mind of its own :/

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    One of the inhabitants (Shotzy)

    Any comments and words of advice are welcome
    "A Righteous man cares for his animals" - Proverbs 12:10
    1.0.0 Correlophus cilliatus
    2.1.0 Bombina orientalis
    0.1.0 Ambystoma mexicanum
    0.0.1 Ceratophrys cranwelli
    1.0.0 Litoria caerulea
    1.1.0 Dendrobates auratus "Nicaraguan"
    0.0.2 Dendrobates tinctorius "Azureus"

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  3. #2

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frog Build (Pic Heavy)

    Is this a japanese frog???

  4. #3
    100+ Post Member Bombina Bob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Fraser valley BC
    Picture Albums: Member Photo Albums

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frog Build (Pic Heavy)

    This is a frog from North america along the pacific coast. It looks very similar to the Japanese tree frog.
    "A Righteous man cares for his animals" - Proverbs 12:10
    1.0.0 Correlophus cilliatus
    2.1.0 Bombina orientalis
    0.1.0 Ambystoma mexicanum
    0.0.1 Ceratophrys cranwelli
    1.0.0 Litoria caerulea
    1.1.0 Dendrobates auratus "Nicaraguan"
    0.0.2 Dendrobates tinctorius "Azureus"

  5. #4

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frog Build (Pic Heavy)

    Thank you for replying.He is as very cute as japanese.

  6. #5
    100+ Post Member Bombina Bob's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2013
    Fraser valley BC
    Picture Albums: Member Photo Albums

    Default Re: Pacific Chorus Frog Build (Pic Heavy)

    Add on: the two plants i was unsure of were (Ficus pimula) and (Aluminum plant)
    "A Righteous man cares for his animals" - Proverbs 12:10
    1.0.0 Correlophus cilliatus
    2.1.0 Bombina orientalis
    0.1.0 Ambystoma mexicanum
    0.0.1 Ceratophrys cranwelli
    1.0.0 Litoria caerulea
    1.1.0 Dendrobates auratus "Nicaraguan"
    0.0.2 Dendrobates tinctorius "Azureus"

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